Thursday, August 11, 2011

List of Georges Méliès Films: Part 2, 1901-1906

Théâtre Robert-Houdin 1888Before the Wizard of Cinema astounded audiences with inventive trick effects in his films and dazzled spectators with magical moving pictures in the spectacle realm of science fiction, fantasy, and the macabre, Georges Méliès was an enthusiastic and highly entertaining stage magician. Greatly influenced by famous illusionists John Nevil Maskelyne, David Devant, and Joseph Buatier de Kolta, Méliès purchased the legendary Théâtre Robert-Houdin in 1888, where he perfected his craft. In time, it would also be at The Théâtre Robert-Houdin where Méliès would first screen his films as part of the program. Initially, Méliès was burdened with the task of having to build his own movie camera from scratch when the Lumière brothers -- Auguste and Louis -- refused to sell one of their Cinématographes to him. This was, perhaps, for the best as Méliès refined the camera's construction to meet his own needs. Although Méliès saw the potential the camera offered for providing entertainment through films, it wasn't until he was in the process of filming his short subject Place de l'Opéra (1896), that he accidentally discovered his first special effects trick with the new invention. From here on end, Méliès' imagination soared with the possibilities of merging magical theatrics, new camera tricks, and storytelling to create wondrous and fantastic movie presentations for the masses. Such love and devotion for the new art form is evident with the impressive number of movies Méliès, himself, produced, directed, edited, and acted in from 1896-1813... he even constructed and painted his own sets! Listed below are his films from 1901-1906 -- by year and alphabetical order -- from a time when Méliès was at his peak creatively and financially as a filmmaker. Not only did the pioneer of cinema deliver the most fascinating and highest of quality productions of his time, he did it with style and flare like no other.

Ali Barbouyou et Ali Bouf à l'Huile (a.k.a. Delirium in a Studio) (1907)
Barbe-bleue (a.k.a. Bluebeard) (1901) -- horror-thriller
Le Chapeau à Surprises (a.k.a. The Hat of Many Surprises) (1901) -- fantasy
Le Charlatan (1901)
Le Chevalier Démontable et le Général Boum (a.k.a. A Good Trick) (1901)
Chez la Sorcière (a.k.a. The Bachelor's Paradise) (1901) -- horror-comedy
La Chirurgie de l'Avenir (a.k.a. Twentieth Century Surgery) (1901)
Congrès des Nations en Chine (1901)
Le Diable Géant ou le Miracle de la Madonne (a.k.a. The Devil and the Statue; The Gigantic Devil) (1901) -- horror
Dislocations Mystérieuses (a.k.a. An Extraordinary Dislocation; Extraordinary Illusions) (1901) -- fantasy-comedy
Excelsior! (a.k.a. The Magician and the Human Pump; The Prince of Magicians) (1901) -- fantasy
La Fontaine Sacrée ou la Vengeance de Boudha (a.k.a. The Sacred Fountain) (1901)
Guguste et Belzebuth (a.k.a. The Clown vs. Satan) (1901)
L'Antre des Esprits (a.k.a. The House of Mystery) (1901) -- fantasy
L'École Infernale (a.k.a. The Trials of a Schoolmaster) (1901)
L'Homme à la Tête en Caoutchouc (a.k.a. A Gumifejű Ember; The India Rubber Head) (1901) -- sci-fi, comedy
L'Omnibus des Toqués Blancs et Noirs (a.k.a. Off to Bedlam; Off to Bloomingdale Asylum) (1901) -- dark comedy
La Libellule (a.k.a. The Dragon Fly) (1901)
La Maison Tranquille (a.k.a. Troubles in a Tenement House) (1901) -- comedy
Une Mauvaise Plaisanterie (1901)
Mésaventures d'un Aéronaute (a.k.a. The Balloonist's Mishap) (1901)
Nain et Géant (a.k.a. The Dwarf and the Giant) (1901) -- fantasy
Une Noce au Village (a.k.a. Fun in Court) (1901)
Le Petit Chaperon Rouge (a.k.a. Caperucita Roja; Little Red Riding Hood) (1901) -- fantasy
La Phrénologie Burlesque (a.k.a. The Phrenologist and the Lively Skull) (1901)
20000 Lieues Sous les Mers (a.k.a. 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea) (1901) -- adventure, sci-fi

Le Bataillon Élastique (a.k.a. The Elastic Batallion) (1902)
Bouquet d'Illusions (a.k.a. La Femme à Trois Têtes; The Triple Headed Lady; Wonderful Feats of Vivisection) (1902) -- fantasy
Catastrophe du Ballon 'Le Pax' (1902)
La Clownesse Fantôme (a.k.a. The Magician and the Imp; The Shadow-Girl) (1902) -- fantasy
Coronation of Their Majesties King Edward VII and Queen Alexandria (1902) -- documentary
Le Couronnement du Roi Édouard VII (a.k.a. The Coronation of King Edward VII; Edward VII's kroning; Reproduction, Coronation Ceremonies: King Edward VII; Le Sacre d'Edouard VII) (1902) -- historical drama
La Danseuse Microscopique (a.k.a. The Dancing Midget; Marvellous Egg Production) (1902) -- fantasy
La Douche de Colonel (a.k.a. The Colonel's Shower Bath) (1902) -- comedy
The Eruption of Mt. Pelee (1902) -- historical drama
Éruption Volcanique à la Martinique (1902)
L'Équilibre Impossible (a.k.a. The Impossible Balancing Feat) (1902) -- fantasy
L'Homme Mouche (a.k.a. The Human Fly) (1902) -- fantasy
Les Piqueurs de Futs (a.k.a. The Burglars in the Wine Cellar) (1902) -- comedy
La Rêve du Paria (a.k.a. The Dream of a Hindu Beggar) (1902)
Le Temple de la Magie (a.k.a. Herrmann, the Great Conjuror) (1902) -- fantasy
Les Trésors de Satan (a.k.a. Mephistopheles' School of Magic; The Treasures of Satan) (1902) -- horror-comedy
Le Voyage dans la Lune (a.k.a. Cesta na Mesíc; Matka Kuuhun; Op Reis naar de Maan; Die Reise zum Mond; A Trip to Mars; A Trip to the Moon; Viagem à Lua; Viaggio nella Luna; Viaje a la Luna) (1902) -- sci-fi
Le Voyage de Gulliver à Lilliput et Chez les Géants (a.k.a. Gulliver's Travels; Gulliver's Travels Among the Lilliputians and the Giants) (1902) -- fantasy

Les Aventures de Robinson Crusoé (a.k.a. Robinson Crusoe) (1903) -- adventure
La Boîte à Malice (a.k.a. The Mysterious Box) (1903) -- fantasy
Bob Kick, l'Enfant Terrible (a.k.a. Bob Kick, the Mischievous Kid) (1903) -- horror-comedy
Le Cake-walk Infernal (a.k.a. The Cake-Walk Infernal) (1903) -- fantasy
Le Chaudron Infernal (a.k.a. The Infernal Boiling Pot; The Infernal Caldron) (1903) -- horror
Le Chimiste Repopulateur (a.k.a. A Maiden's Paradise) (1903) -- fantasy
La Chrysalide et le Papillon d'Or (a.k.a. Le Brahmane et le Papillon; The Brahmin and the Butterfly) (1903) -- fantasy
La Corbeille Enchantée (a.k.a. The Enchanted Basket) (1903) -- fantasy-comedy
Extraordinary Adventures (1903)
Fantaisie Égyptienne (a.k.a. Egyptian Fantasy) (1903)
Faust aux Enfers (a.k.a. Faust in Hell) (1903) -- horror
La Femme Volante (a.k.a. Marvelous Suspension) (1903) -- fantasy
Les Filles du Diable (a.k.a. Beelzebub's Daughters) (1903) -- horror
La Flamme Merveilleuse (a.k.a. The Mystical Flame) (1903) -- fantasy
La Guirlande Merveilleuse (a.k.a. The Marvellous Wreath) (1903) -- fantasy
Illusions Fantasmagoriques (a.k.a. La Boîte Mystérieuse; The Famous Box Trick) (1903) -- fantasy
Illusions Funambulesques (a.k.a. Extraordinary Illusions) (1903) -- fantasy
Une Indigestion (a.k.a. Chirurgie Fin de Siècle; Dr. Lorenz Outdone; Sure Cure for Indigestion; Up-to-Date Surgery) (1903) -- fantasy-comedy
Jacques et Jim (a.k.a. Comical Conjuring; Jack and Jim) (1903) -- fantasy-comedy
L'Armoire des Frères Davenport (a.k.a. Cabinet Trick of the Davenport Brothers) (1903) -- fantasy
L'Artiste et le Mannequin (a.k.a. Artist and the Dummy) (1903) -- comedy
L'Auberge du Bon Repos (a.k.a. The Inn Where No Man Rests) (1903) -- horror-comedy
L'Enchanteur Alcofrisbas (a.k.a. Alcofribas, the Master Magician) (1903) -- fantasy
L'Homme aux Cent Trucs (a.k.a. The Conjuror with a Hundred Tricks) (1903) -- fantasy
L'Oeuf du Sorcier ou L'Oeuf Magique Prolifique (a.k.a. The Magical Egg; The Prolific Magical Egg) (1903) -- fantasy
L'Oracle de Delphes (a.k.a. The Oracle of Delphi) (1903) -- horror-fantasy
Un Malheur n'Arrive Jamais Seul (a.k.a. Misfortune Never Comes Alone) (1903) -- comedy
Le Mélomane (a.k.a. The Music Lover) (1903) -- fantasy
Le Monstre (a.k.a. The Monster) (1903) -- horror
Les Mousquetaires de la Reine (a.k.a. The Queen's Musketeers) (1903) -- adventure
La Parapluie Fantastique (a.k.a. Ten Ladies in One Umbrella) (1903) -- fantasy
Le Pochard et l'Inventeur (a.k.a. Drunkard and Inventor) (1903)
Le Portrait Spirituel (a.k.a. The Spiritualist Photographer; Spiritualistic Photographer) (1903) -- fantasy
Le Puits Fantastique (a.k.a. The Enchanted Well) (1903) -- horror-fantasy
Pygmalion et Galathée (a.k.a. Pygmalion and Galatea) (1903) -- fantasy
Rêve d'Artiste (a.k.a. The Artist's Dream) (1903) -- fantasy
Le Rêve du Maître de Ballet (a.k.a. The Ballet Master's Dream) (1903) -- fantasy-comedy
Rêve du Pauvre (a.k.a. The Beggar's Dream) (1903) -- fantasy
Le Revenant (a.k.a. The Apparition) (1903) -- horror-comedy
Le Royaume des Fées (a.k.a. Au Royaume des Fées; The Fairyland; Fairyland: A Kingdom of Fairies; Fairyland; or, the Kingdom of the Fairies) (1903) -- fantasy
Les Sept Péchés Capitaux (a.k.a. A Hét Halálos Bűn; The Seven Capital Sins) (1903) -- fantasy
Le Songe d'Or de l'Avare (a.k.a. The Miser; The Miser's Dream of Gold) (1903)
Le Sorcier (a.k.a. Revenge Is Sweet; The Sorcerer's Revenge; La Vengeance du Sorcier; The Witch's Revenge) (1903) -- fantasy
La Statue Animée (a.k.a. The Drawing Lesson) (1903) -- fantasy-comedy
Tom Tight et Dum-dum (a.k.a. Jack Haggs and Dum Dum) (1903) -- fantasy
Le Tonnerre de Jupiter (a.k.a. Jupiter's Thunderballs) (1903) -- fantasy
La Tour Maudite (a.k.a. Bewitched Dungeon) (1903) -- fantasy
Les Trois Bacchantes (a.k.a. The Three Bacchantes) (1903) -- fantasy

Les Apaches (a.k.a. A Burlesque Highway Robbery in 'Gay Paree') (1904) -- comedy
Les Apparitions Fugitives (a.k.a. The Fugitive Apparitions) (1904) -- fantasy
Au Clair de la Lune ou Pierrot Malheureux (a.k.a. A Moonlight Serenade; or, The Miser Punished) (1904) -- fantasy-comedy
Le Barbier de Séville (a.k.a. The Barber of Seville) (1904) -- Drama
Benvenuto Cellini ou Une Curieuse Évasion (a.k.a. Benvenuto Cellini; or, a Curious Evasion) (1904)
Une Bonne Farce Avec Ma Tête (a.k.a. Tit for Tat) (1904) -- fantasy-comedy
Une Bonne Surprise (a.k.a. Simple Simon's Surprise Party) (1904)
Le Bourreau Turc (a.k.a. Decapitation in Turkey; Le Terrible Bourreau Turc; The Terrible Turkish Executioner) (1904) -- fantasy-comedy
Le Cadre aux Surprises (a.k.a. The Astonishing Frame) (1904)
Les Cartes Vivantes (a.k.a. The Living Playing Cards) (1904) -- fantasy
La Cascade de Feu (a.k.a. The Firefall) (1904) -- fantasy
Le Coffre Enchanté (a.k.a. The Bewitched Trunk) (1904) -- fantasy
Les Costumes Animés (a.k.a. The Animated Costumes) (1904)
La Dame Fantôme (a.k.a. The Shadow Lady) (1904)
Le Dîner Impossible (a.k.a. The Impossible Dinner) (1904)
Faust et Marguerite (a.k.a. Damnation du Docteur Faust; Faust and Marguerite) (1904) -- fantasy
La Fête au Père Mathieu (a.k.a. Uncle Rube's Birthday) (1904)
Le Joyeux Prophète Russe (a.k.a. The Fake Russian Prophet) (1904)
Le Juif Errant (a.k.a. The Wandering Jew) (1904) -- biblical
Mariage par Correspondance (1904)
Match de Prestidigitation (a.k.a. A Wager Between Two Magicians; or, Jealous of Myself) (1904)
Le Merveilleux Éventail Vivant (a.k.a. The Wonderful Living Fan) (1904) -- fantasy
Les Mésaventures de Monsieur Boit-sans-soif (1904)
Un Miracle Sous l'Inquisition (a.k.a. A Miracle Under the Inquisition) (1904) -- horror-comedy
Un Peu de Feu S.V.P. (a.k.a. Every Man His Own Cigar Lighter) (1904)
La Planche du Diable (a.k.a. The Devilish Plank) (1904) -- fantasy
La Providence de Notre-dame des Flots (a.k.a. The Providence of the Waves; or, The Dream of a Poor Fisherman) (1904)
Le Rêve de l'Horloger (a.k.a. The Clock Maker's Dream) (1904) -- fantasy
Le Roi du Maquillage (a.k.a. The King of the Mackerel Fishers; The Untamable Whiskers) (1904) -- fantasy
Le Rosier Miraculeux (a.k.a. The Wonderful Rose Tree) (1904)
La Sirène (a.k.a. The Mermaid) (1904) -- fantasy
Siva l'Invisible (a.k.a. The Invisible Siva) (1904)
Sorcellerie Culinaire (a.k.a. The Cook in Trouble) (1904) -- fantasy-comedy
Le Thaumaturge Chinois (a.k.a. Tchin-Chao, the Chinese Conjuror) (1904) -- fantasy
Les Transmutations Imperceptibles (a.k.a. The Imperceptible Transmutations) (1904) -- fantasy
Le Voyage à Travers l'Impossible (a.k.a. An Impossible Voyage; The Impossible Voyage) (1904) -- fantasy-comedy

Le Baquet de Mesmer (a.k.a. A Mesmerian Experiment) (1905) -- fantasy
Le Cauchemar du Pêcheur (a.k.a. The Angler's Nightmare) (1905)
La Chaise à Porteur Enchantée (a.k.a. The Enchanted Sedan Chair) (1905) -- fantasy
Le Chevalier Démontable (1905)
Les Chevaliers du Chloroforme (a.k.a. The Chloroform Fiends) (1905)
Le Compositeur Toqué (a.k.a. A Crazy Composer) (1905) -- fantasy-comedy
Les Derniers Moments d'Anne de Boleyn (a.k.a. The Tower of London) (1905)
Le Diable Noir (a.k.a. The Black Imp) (1905) -- horror-comedy
Un Feu d'Artifice Improvisé (a.k.a. Unexpected Fireworks) (1905) -- comedy
La Grotte aux Surprises (a.k.a. The Grotto of Surprises) (1905)
L'Ange de Noël (a.k.a. The Christmas Angel; Détresse et Charité) (1905) -- fantasy
L'Ile de Calypso: Ulysse et le Géant Polyphème (a.k.a. Ulysses and the Giant Polyphemus) (1905) -- fantasy
La Légende de Rip Van Winkle (a.k.a. The Legend of Rip Van Winkle; Rip's Dream) (1905) -- fantasy
Le Menuet Lilliputien (a.k.a. The Lilliputian Minuet) (1905) -- fantasy
Une Mésaventure de Shylock (a.k.a. The Venetian Looking-glass) (1905)
Le Palais des Mille et une Nuits (a.k.a. The Palace of a Thousand and One Nights; The Palace of Arabian Knights) (1905) -- fantasy
Le Peintre Barbouillard et le Tableau Diabolique (a.k.a. Mr. Dauber and the Mystifying Pictures) (1905)
Le Phénix (a.k.a. The Crystal Casket; Le Phénix ou le Coffret de Cristal) (1905) -- fantasy
À President-elect Roosevelt (1905)
Le Raid Paris-Monte Carlo en Deux Heures (a.k.a. The Automobile Chase; La Corsa da Parigi a Montecarlo in due Ore; Paris to Monte Carlo) (1905) -- comedy
Le Roi des Tireurs (a.k.a. The King of the Sharpshooters) (1905)
Le Système du Docteur Souflamort (a.k.a. Life Saving Up-to-date) (1905)
Le Tripot Clandestin (a.k.a. The Scheming Gambler's Paradise) (1905) -- comedy

Les Affiches en Goguette (a.k.a. The Hilarious Posters) (1906) -- fantasy-comedy
Alchimiste Parafaragamus ou La Cornue Infernale (a.k.a. The Mysterious Retort) (1906) -- fantasy-comedy
Les Bulles de Savon Animées (a.k.a. Soap Bubbles) (1906) -- fantasy-comedy
La Cardeuse de Matelas (a.k.a. The Tramp and the Mattress Makers) (1906) -- comedy
Le Dirigeable Fantastique (a.k.a. Inventor Crazybrains and His Wonderful Airship) (1906) -- fantasy
Une Chute de Cinq Étages (a.k.a. A Fall from Five Floors; A Mix-Up in the Gallery) (1906) -- comedy
Le Fantôme d'Alger (a.k.a. A Spiritualistic Meeting) (1906)
La Fée Carabosse ou le Poignard Fatal (a.k.a. The Witch) (1906) -- horror
La Galerie Sens Dessus-dessous (1906)
Histoire d'un Crime (1906) -- crime-drama
Les Incendiaires (1906) -- crime-drama
Jack le Ramoneur (a.k.a. Chimney Sweep) (1906) -- fantasy-comedy
L'Anarchie Chez Guignol (1906) -- comedy
L'Honneur est Satisfait (a.k.a. Who Looks, Pays) (1906)
L'Hôtel des Voyageurs de Commerce (a.k.a. L'Hôtel des Voyageurs de Commerce ou Les Suites d'une Honne Cuite) (1906) -- comedy
Le Maestro Do-mi-sol-do (1906) -- fantasy-comedy
La Magie à Travers les âges (a.k.a. Olden and New Style Conjuring) (1906)
Les Quatre Cents Farces du Diable (a.k.a. Les 400 Farces du Diable; The 400 Tricks of the Devil; Gli Allegri Inganni di Satana; The Merry Frolics of Satan; Les Quatre Cents Coups du Diable) (1906) -- horror
Le Rastaquouère Rodriguez y Papanagaz (1906)

SEE "List of Georges Méliès Films: Part 1, 1896-1900" or CONTINUE on to "List of Georges Méliès Films: Part 3, 1907-1913"

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