Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Sicko-Psychotic on The Monster Channel!

You are gore-dially invited to a blood orgy.... Casual attire is preferred. No need to dress up for these ugly vampires. heheheh 

It's Horror Host Night on The Monster Channel (presented by The Eerie Late Night Horror Channel) 

August 24: "Dr. Jekyll and the Werewolf" on SCREAMIN' HORROR THEATRE with THE HOST (9pm PT/11pm CT/12midnight ET)

August 25: "The Fast and the Furious" on THE WEIRDNESS REALLY BAD MOVIE with DAVID BINKLEY (3pm PT/5pm CT/6pm ET)

"Lady Frankenstein" on FRIGHT NIGHT THEATRE with THE SPOOKY SPECTRE (5pm PT/7pm CT/8pm ET)

"Jesse James Meets Frankenstein's Daughter" on NIGHT CHILLS THEATRE with Vincent Grimmly (7pm PT/9pm CT/10pm ET)

"Vampires Night Orgy" on SICKO-PSYCHOTIC with yours gruly!!!! (9pm PT/11pm CT/12 midnight ET)

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Mama LIlith Is Always Watching!

This Fall in Season 2, Mama Lilith will be making a surprise return! (Sicko-Psychotic TV series)

Voodoo Dolls in the Sick-Shack!

After refusing to give her a raise, that pesky art director of mine, Betsy Lutes-Eadeh, made these freaky voodoo dolls for the Sick Shack. She said one of them was me! (Sigh) She's always trying to control me.... Oww!!! Quit that! (Sicko-Psychotic TV series)