Tuesday, August 9, 2011

List of Georges Méliès Films: Part 1, 1896-1900

The Father of Special EffectsThe great Georges Méliès produced well over 548 shorts (actual number is unknown) from 1886 to 1913, the first being Une Partie de Cartes. Realizing that the camera could be utilized as a unique tool to create theatrical illusions that could amaze, shock, and even generate laughs from the spectating audience, the former stage magician filmed and projected his own "moving pictures." Today, he is regarded as "The Father of Special Effects," having been the first to render trick visual effects by means of stop-motion photography. The story goes that while filming Place de l'Opéra (1896), Méliès' camera jammed and by the time he fixed the problem and resumed filming, the men that were in the original shot were now replaced by women! And where once stood a bus, a hearse appeared in its place giving the illusion that the men and the bus were magically transformed! The French filmmaker first (intentionally) used this stop-motion trick in the film Escamotage d'une Dame au Théâtre Robert Houdin (1896). Among the many achievements Georges Méliès is noted for is that he was the first to employ techniques such as the fade-in, the fade-out, and the dissolve to create the first real narrative films; built the first film studio in Europe; created the first biblical, fantasy, horror, sci-fi, and erotic stag films; and was the first to appropriate production sketches and storyboards. Although most of his films are still lost (or thought destroyed), many are still resurfacing and are becoming once again available for the viewing pleasure of a new generation. Down below I've listed the films of Georges Méliès alphabetically and by year.

Une Altercation au Café (1896) -- lost film
Arrivée d'un Train - Gare de Joinville (a.k.a. Arrival of a Train (Joinville Station)) (1896) -- lost film
Arrivée d'un Train - Gare de Vincennes (1896) -- lost film
Baignade en Mer (1896) -- lost film
Barque Sortant du Port de Trouville (1896) -- documentary
Bateau-Mouche sur la Seine (a.k.a. Seine Nehrindeki Gemiler) (1896) -- documentary
Batteuse à Vapeur (1896) -- lost film
Bébé et Fillettes (1896) -- documentary
Le Bivouac (1896) -- lost film
Les Blanchisseuses (1896) -- lost film
Bois de Boulogne (1896) -- lost film
Une Bonne Farce (a.k.a. The Rag Picker) (1896) -- lost film
Boulevard des Italiens (1896) -- documentary
Campement de Bohémiens (a.k.a. The Bohemian Encampment; El Campamento Bohemio) (1896) -- lost film
Le Cauchemar (a.k.a. A Nightmare) (1896)* -- fantasy
Les Chevaux de Bois (a.k.a. A Merry-Go-Round) (1896) -- lost film
Chicot, Dentiste Américain (1896) -- lost film
Le Chiffonnier (1896) -- lost film
Cortège de Tzar Allant à Versailles (1896) -- lost film
Cortège de Tzar au Bois de Boulogne (1896) -- lost film
Couronnement de la Rosière (a.k.a. Coronation of a Village Maiden) (1896) -- lost film
Danse Serpentine (1896) -- lost film
Déchargement de Bateaux (a.k.a. Unloading the Boat) (1896) -- lost film
Défense D'Afficher (a.k.a. Post No Bills) (1896)* -- comedy
Départ des Automobiles (1896) -- lost film
Départ des Officiers (1896) -- lost film
Dessinateur: Chamberlain (1896) -- lost film
Dessinateur: Express (1896) -- lost film
Dessinateur: Reine Victoria (1896) -- lost film
Dessinateur: Von Bismark (1896) -- lost film
Dix Chapeaux en 60 Secondes (a.k.a. Conjurer Making Ten Hats in Sixty Seconds) (1896) -- lost film
Effets de Mer sur les Rochers (1896) -- lost film
Enfants Jouant sur la Plage (1896) -- lost film
Escamotage d'une Dame au Théâtre Robert Houdin (a.k.a. The Conjuring of a Woman at the House of Robert Houdin) (1896)* -- fantasy
Le Fakir, Mystère Indien (1896) -- lost film
Les Forgerons (a.k.a. Blacksmith in His Workshop) (1896) -- lost film
La Gare Saint-Lazare (1896) -- lost film
Grandes Manoeuvres (1896) -- lost film
Les Haleurs de Bateaux (1896) -- lost film
Les Indiscrets (a.k.a. Die Indiskreten) (1896) -- lost film; erotica
Les Ivrognes (1896) -- lost film
Jardinier Brûlant des Herbes (a.k.a. Gardener Burning Weeds) (1896) -- lost film
Jetée et Plage de Trouville (Ler Partie) (a.k.a. Beach and Pier at Trouville, 1st part) (1896) -- lost film
Jetée et Plage de Trouville (2e Partie) (a.k.a. Beach and Pier at Trouville, 2nd part) (1896) -- lost film
Jour de Marché à Trouville (a.k.a. Market Day) (1896) -- lost film
L'Arroseur (a.k.a. Watering the Flowers) (1896) -- lost film
L'Hôtel Empoisonné (1896) -- lost film
Libération des Territoriaux (1896) -- lost film
Un Lycée de Jeunes Filles (a.k.a. Academy for Young Ladies) (1896) -- lost film
Marée Montante sur Brise-Larmes (1896) -- lost film
Le Manoir du Diable (a.k.a. The Devil's Castle; The Haunted Castle; The House of the Devil) (1896)* -- horror
Miss de Vere (1896) -- lost film
Nain Grotesque (a.k.a. Tom Old Boot) (1896) -- lost film
Une Nuit Terrible (a.k.a. A Terrible Night) (1896)* -- comedy
Panorama du Havre (Pris d'un Bateau) (a.k.a. Panorama of Havre Taken from a Boat) (1896) -- lost film
Le Papier Protée (a.k.a. The Mysterious Paper) (1896) -- lost film
Un Petit Diable (a.k.a. A Little Devil; A Little Rascal) (1896) -- lost film
Place de l'Opéra, 1er Aspect (a.k.a. Place de l'Opéra, First View) (1896) -- lost film
Place de l'Opéra, 2e Aspect (a.k.a. Place de l'Opéra, Second View) (1896) -- lost film
Place de la Bastille (1896) -- lost film
Place de la Concorde (1896) -- lost film
Place du Théâtre Français (1896) -- lost film
Place Saint-Augustin (1896) -- lost film
Plage de Villiers par Gros Temps (a.k.a. The Beach at Villiers in a Gale) (1896) -- lost film
Plus Fort que le Maître (a.k.a. Smarter than the Teacher) (1896) -- lost film
Les Quais à Marseille (a.k.a. The Docks at Marseilles) (1896) -- lost film
Le Régiment (a.k.a. French Regiment Going to the Parade) (1896) -- lost film
Retour au Cantonnement (1896) -- lost film
Réunion d'Officiers (1896) -- lost film
Revue Navale à Cherbourg (a.k.a. Naval Review at Cherburg) (1896) -- lost film
Sac au Dos (1896) -- lost film
Salut Malencontreux d'un Déserteur (1896) -- lost film
Sauvetage en Rivière, 1er (a.k.a. Rescue on the River, Pt. 1) (1896) -- lost film
Sauvetage en Rivière, 2e (a.k.a. Rescue on the River, Pt. 2) (1896) -- lost film
Séance de Prestidigitation (a.k.a. Conjuring) (1896) -- lost film
Sortie des Ateliers Vibert (1896) -- lost film
Tempête sur la Jetée du Treport (1896) -- lost film
Les Tribulations d'un Concierge (1896) -- lost film
Une Partie de Cartes (a.k.a. Playing Cards) (1896)* -- docu-drama
La Voiture du Potier (1896) -- lost film

Les Apprentis Militaires (1897) -- lost film
Après le Bal (a.k.a. After the Ball, the Bath; Nach dem Ball) (1897)* -- erotica
Arlequin et Charbonnier (1897) -- lost film
Attaque d'un Poste Anglais (1897) -- lost film
Auguste et Bibb (1897) -- lost film
Bataille de Confettis (1897) -- lost film
Le Cabinet de Méphistophélès (a.k.a. The Cabinet of Mephistopheles; The Devil's Laboratory; The Laboratory of Mephistopheles) (1897) -- horror, lost film
Le Château Hanté (a.k.a. The Devil's Castle) (1897)* -- horror
Chirurgien Américain (a.k.a. A Twentieth Century Surgeon) (1897) -- sci-fi, lost film
La Cigale et la Fourmi (a.k.a. The Grasshopper and the Ant) (1897) -- lost film
Combat dans Une Rue aux Indes (1897) -- lost film
Combat Naval en Grèce (a.k.a. Naval Combat in Greece) (1897)* -- action
Cortège de la Mi-Carême (1897) -- lost film
Cortège du Boeuf Gras Boulevard des Italiens (1897) -- lost film
Cortège du Boeuf Gras Passant Place de la Concorde (1897) -- lost film
Dans les Coulisses (1897) -- comedy, lost film
Danse au Sérail (a.k.a. Dancing in a Harem) (1897) -- lost film
Danseuses au Jardin de Paris (1897) -- lost film
Défilé des Pompiers (1897) -- lost film
Les Dernières Cartouches (a.k.a. Bombardement d'une Maison; The Last Cartridges) (1897)* -- war, historical-drama
En Cabinet Particulier (1897) -- lost film
Entre Calais et Douvres (a.k.a. Between Calais and Dover) (1897)* -- comedy
Épisodes de Guerre (1897) -- lost film
Exécution d'un Espion (1897) -- lost film
Faust et Marguerite (1897) -- fantasy, lost film
Figaro et l'Auvergnat (1897) -- comedy, only a fragment is said to survive
Gugusse et l'Automaton (a.k.a. Gugusse and the Automaton) (1897) -- lost film
L'Ascension d'un Ballon (1897) -- lost film
L'Auberge Ensorcelée (a.k.a. The Bewitched Inn) (1897)* -- horror-comedy
L'école des Gendres (1897) -- lost film
L'Hallucination de l'Alchimiste (a.k.a. An Hallucinated Alchemist) (1897) -- fantasy, lost film
L'Indiscret aux Bains de Mer (a.k.a. Der Indiskrete am Meeresstrand) (1897) -- erotica, lost film
Le Magnétiseur (a.k.a. The Hypnotist at Work) (1897) -- fantasy, lost film
Le Malade Imaginaire (1897) -- lost film
Massacres en Crète (1897) -- lost film
Match de Boxe (École de Joinville) (1897) -- lost film
Un Modèle Irascible (1897) -- lost film
Le Musulman Rigolo (1897) -- lost film
Passage Dangereux au Mont-Blanc (1897) -- lost film
Paulus Chantant: Coquin de Printemps (1897) -- lost film
Paulus Chantant: Derrière l'Omnibus (1897) -- lost film
Paulus Chantant: Duellist Marsellais (1897) -- lost film
Paulus Chantant: En Revenant d'la Revue (1897) -- lost film
Paulus Chantant: Père la Victoire (1897) -- lost film
Le Prestidigitateur D. Devant (1897) -- lost film
La Prise de Tournavos (a.k.a. The Surrender of Tournavos) (1897)* -- action
Sur les Toits (a.k.a. On the Roof) (1897)* -- comedy
Tourneur en Poterie (1897) -- lost film
Une Cour de Ferme (1897) -- lost film
Vente d'Esclaves au Harem (1897) -- lost film
Vision d'Ivrogne (a.k.a. A Drunkard's Dream) (1897) -- lost film

Assaut d'Escrime (École de Joinville) (a.k.a. Fencing at the Joinville School)(1898) -- lost film
Atelier d'Artiste, Farce de Modèles (a.k.a. The Painter's Studio) (1898) -- lost film
Attention à la Peinture (1898) -- lost flim
Carrefour de l'Opéra (1898) -- lost film
La Caverne Maudite (a.k.a. The Cave of the Demons) (1898) -- horror; lost film
Collision et Naufrage en Mer (a.k.a. Collision and Shipwreck at Sea) (1898) -- lost film
Combat Naval Devant Manille (a.k.a. Defending the Fort at Manila) (1898) -- historical drama, lost film
Corvée de Quartier Accidentée (a.k.a. A Soldier's Tedious Duty) (1898) -- lost film
Créations Spontanées (a.k.a. Fantastical Illusions) (1898) -- lost film
Le Cuirassé Maine (1898) -- historical drama, lost film
La Damnation de Faust (a.k.a. Damnation of Faust) (1898) -- fantasy, horror; lost film
Dédoublement Cabalistique (a.k.a. The Triple Lady) (1898) -- lost film
La Dégradation (1898) -- historical drama; lost film
Le Déjeuner Impossible (1898) -- lost film
Le Grotte du Diable (1898) -- lost film
Guerre de Cuba et l'Explosion du Maine à La Havane (1898) -- historical drama, lost film
Guillaume Tell et le Clown (a.k.a. Adventures of William Tell) (1898)* -- fantasy-comedy
Un Homme de Tête (a.k.a. Four Heads Are Better Than One; L'Homme aux Quatres Têtes Embarrassantes; Les Quatres Têtes Embarrassantes; The Four Troublesome Heads) (1898)* -- fantasy-comedy
Illusions Fantasmagoriques (a.k.a. The Famous Box Trick) (1898)* -- fantasy
La Lune à un Mètre (a.k.a. The Astronomer's Dream; or, The Man in the Moon; La Luna a un Metro; L'Observatoire, la Lune, Phoebé; The Moon at Arm's Length; The Moon at One Meter; Le Rêve d'un Astronome; Sueños de un Astrónomo; A Trip to the Moon) (1898)* -- fantasy-comedy
Le Maçon Maladroit (a.k.a. A Clumsy Mason) (1898) -- lost film
Le Magicien (a.k.a. Black Magic; The Magician) (1898)* -- fantasy-comedy
Magie Diabolique (a.k.a. Black Art) (1898) -- lost film
Masque Diabolique G. Méliès (1898) -- lost film
Montagnes Russes Nautiques (a.k.a. Shooting the Chutes) (1898) -- lost film
Panorama Pris d'un Train en Marche (a.k.a. Panorama From Top of a Moving Train) (1898)* -- documentary
Prenez Garde à la Peinture (a.k.a. Fresh Paint) (1898) -- lost film
Les Rayons Röntgen (a.k.a. A Novice at X-Rays) (1898) -- sci-fi, lost film
Rêve d'Artiste (a.k.a. The Artist's Dream) (1898) -- lost film
Sortie Sans Permission (1898) -- lost film
La Tentation de Saint-Antoine (a.k.a. The Temptation of St. Anthony) (1898)* -- biblical
Visite de l'épave du Maine (a.k.a. A View of the Wreck of the Maine) (1898) -- lost film
Visite Sous-Marine du Maine (a.k.a. Divers At Work on the Wreck of The "Maine") (1898)* -- historical drama

Automobilisme et Autorité (a.k.a. The Clown and the Automobile) (1899) -- comedy, lost film
Un Bon Lit (a.k.a. Avventura a Mezzanotte; A Midnight Episode) (1899) -- fantasy-comedy; lost film
Cendrillon (a.k.a. Baile Até à Meia-Noite; Cenicienta; Cinderella) (1899)* -- fantasy
Charmant Voyages de Noces (1899) -- lost film
Le Chevalier Mystère (a.k.a. The Mysterious Blackboard; The Mysterious Knight) (1899)* -- fantasy
Le Christ Marchant Sur les Flots (a.k.a. Christ Walking on Water) (1899) -- lost film
Cléopâtre (a.k.a. Cleopatra's Tomb) (1899) -- horror
La Colonne de Feu (a.k.a. La Columna de Fuego; La Danse du Feu; Haggard's She: The Pillar of Fire) (1899)* -- horror
Combat de Coqs (a.k.a. A Lively Cock Fight) (1899) -- documentary; lost film
Le Conférencier Distrait (a.k.a. The Absent-minded Lecturer) (1899) -- lost film
Le Coucher de la Mariée (a.k.a. The Bridegroom's Dilemma) (1899) -- lost film
La Crémation (1899) -- lost film
Débarquement de Voyageurs, Port de Granville (a.k.a. Passengers Disembarking at Granville) (1899) -- lost film
Le Diable au Convent (a.k.a. The Devil in a Convent; The Sign of the Cross) (1899)* -- horror
Duel Politique (1899) -- lost film
Entrée d'un Pacquebot, Port de Jersey (1899) -- documentary; lost film
Évocation Spirite (a.k.a. Summoning the Spirits) (1899) -- fantasy
Fatale Méprise (a.k.a. The Railroad Pickpocket) (1899) -- lost film
Force Doit Rester à la Loi (1899) -- lost film
Funérailles de Félix Faure (1899) -- lost film
L'Affaire Dreyfus: La Dictée du Bordereau (a.k.a. Die Affäre Dreyfus; Dreyfus Court Martial - Arrest of Dreyfus; Sprawa Dreyfusa) (1899)* -- historical drama, part 1
L'Affaire Dreyfus: A L'Ile du Diable (a.k.a. Dreyfus: Devil's Island - Within the Palisade) (1899)* -- historical drama, part 2
L'Affaire Dreyfus: Mise aux Fers de Dreyfus (a.k.a. Dreyfus Put in Irons) (1899)* -- historical drama, part 3
L'Affaire Dreyfus: Suicide du Colonel Henry (a.k.a. Dreyfus: Suicide of Colonel Henry) (1899)* -- historical drama, part 4
L'Affaire Dreyfus: Débarquement à Quiberon (a.k.a. Landing of Dreyfus at Quiberon) (1899)* -- historical drama, part 5
L'Affaire Dreyfus: Entrevue de Dreyfus et de Sa femme à Rennes (a.k.a. Dreyfus Meets His Wife at Rennes) (1899)* -- historical drama, part 6
L'Affaire Dreyfus: Attentat Contre Maitre Labori (a.k.a. Dreyfus: The Attempt Against the Life of Maitre Labori) (1899)* -- historical drama, part 7
L'Affaire Dreyfus: Bagarre Entre Journalistes (a.k.a. Dreyfus: The Fight of Reporters) (1899)* -- historical drama, part 8
L'Affaire Dreyfus: Le Conseil de Guerre en Séance à Rennes (a.k.a. Dreyfus: The Court Martial at Rennes) (1899)* -- historical drama, part 9
L'Homme Protée (a.k.a. Lightning Change Artist) (1899) -- comedy, lost film
L'Illusionniste Fin de Siêcle (a.k.a. The Conjurer; A Turn of the Century Illusionist) (1899)* -- fantasy
L'Ours et la Sentinelle (1899) -- lost film
Luttes Extravagantes (a.k.a. An Extraordinary Wrestling Match) (1899)
Le Miroir de Cagliostro (a.k.a. Cagliostro's Mirror) (1899) -- horror; lost film
Neptune et Amphitrite (a.k.a. Neptune and Amphitrite) (1899) -- lost film
Panorama du Port de Saint-Helier (1899) -- documentary; lost film
Pick-Pocket et Policeman (1899) -- lost film
La Pierre Philosophale (a.k.a. Miser's Dream) (1899) -- fantasy; lost film
Le Portrait Mystérieux (a.k.a. A Mysterious Portrait) (1899)* -- fantasy
La Pyramide de Triboulet (a.k.a. The Human Pyramid) (1899) -- fantasy
Richesse et Misère (a.k.a. Riches and Misery; or, The Grasshopper and the Ant) (1899) -- lost film
Salle à Manger Fantastique (a.k.a. A Dinner Under Difficulties) (1899) -- fantasy-comedy; lost film
Les Spectres (a.k.a. Murder Will Out) (1899) -- horror; lost film
La Statue de Neige (a.k.a. The Snow Man) (1899) -- lost film

Avenue des Champs-Elysées et le Petit Palais (1900) -- lost film
Coppelia: la Poupée Animée (a.k.a. Coppelia, the Animated Doll) (1900) -- lost film
Le Déshabillage Impossible (a.k.a. Going to Bed Under Difficulties) (1900)* -- fantasy-comedy
Les Deux Aveugles (a.k.a. The Two Blind Men) (1900) -- lost film
Farce de Marmiton (a.k.a. Scullion's Joke on the Chef) (1900) -- lost film
Le Fou Assassin (a.k.a. The Dangerous Lunatic) (1900) -- lost film
Gens Qui Pleurent et Gens Qui Rient (a.k.a. Crying and Laughing) (1900) -- lost film
Les Infortunes d'un Explorateur (a.k.a. Les Infortunes d'un Explorateur ou les Momies Récalcitrantes; The Misfortunes of an Explorer) (1900)*
Un Intrus dans la Loge des Figurantes (1900) -- lost film
Jeanne d'Arc (a.k.a. Joan of Arc) (1900)* -- historical drama
L'Exposition de 1900 (1900) -- lost film
L'Homme Orchestre (a.k.a. The One-Man Band) (1900)* -- fantasy
L'Illusioniste Double et la Tête Vivante (a.k.a. The Triple Conjurer and the Living Head) (1900)* -- fantasy
Le Livre Magique (a.k.a. The Magic Book; The Magical Book) (1900)* -- fantasy-comedy
Le Malade Hydrophobe (a.k.a. The Man with Wheels in His Head) (1900) -- lost film
Les Miracles de Brahmane (a.k.a. The Miracles of Brahmin) (1900) -- lost film
Ne Bougeons Plus (a.k.a. Don't Move) (1900) -- lost film
Nouvelles Luttes Extravagantes (a.k.a. Fat and Lean Wrestling Match) (1900)*
Palais Étrangers (1900) -- lost film
Panorama Circulaire (1900) -- lost film
Panorama Pris du Trottoir Roulant Champ de Mars (1900) -- lost film
Pavillon des Armées de Terre et de Mer (1900) -- lost film
La Porte Monumentale (a.k.a. The Monumental Gate) (1900) -- lost film
Le Prisonnier Recalcitrant (a.k.a. The Tricky Prisoner) (1900) -- lost film
Le Repas Fantastique (a.k.a. A Fantastical Meal) (1900)* -- horror-comedy
Rêve de Noël (a.k.a. The Christmas Dream) (1900)*
Le Rêve du Radjah ou La Forêt Enchantée (a.k.a. Oh! What a Night; or, The Sultan's Dream; The Rajah's Dream; or, The Bewitched Wood) (1900)* -- fantasy
Le Réveil d'un Monsieur Pressé (a.k.a. How He Missed His Train) (1900)* -- fantasy
La Rue des Nations (1900) -- lost film
Le Savant et le Chimpanzé (a.k.a. The Doctor and the Monkey) (1900)* -- comedy
Le Sorcier, le Prince et le Bon Génie (a.k.a. The Wizard, the Prince and the Good Fairy) (1900)* -- fantasy
Spiritisme Abracadabrant (a.k.a. Up-To-Date Spiritualism) (1900)*
Tom Whisky ou L'Illusioniste Toqué (a.k.a. Addition and Subtraction) (1900)* -- fantasy-comedy
Le Tonneau des Danaïdes (a.k.a. The Dainaid's Barrel; Eight Girls in a Barrel) (1900)* -- fantasy
The Unexpected Bath (1900) -- lost film
La Vengeance du Gâte-sauce (a.k.a. The Cook's Revenge) (1900)* -- horror-comedy
Vieux Paris (1900) -- lost film
Les Visiteurs sur le Trottoir Roulant (1900) -- lost film
Vue de Remerciements au Public (1900) -- lost film
Vue Panoramique Prise de la Seine (1900) -- lost film

* Released on DVD

CONTINUE to "List of Georges Méliès Films: Part 2, 1901-1906" or "List of Georges Méliès Films: Part 3, 1907-1913"

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